Loans and credits

We grant loans and credits on the basis of a professional credit assessment. It is in both the Group's and the customer's interest that credit is extended only when the customer can manage the obligation. The Group undertakes a careful evaluation to obtain an understanding of the customer's financial situation. This means that in some cases the Group must refrain from extending loans to customers.

Retail customers

With retail customers, 's policy is to offer professional advice that ensures that the customer understands the consequences of borrowing, saving and using the Group's financial products and services. We evaluate our customers' future as well as current ability to repay obligations.

Corporate customers

In the corporate lending area, the basis for the assessment of a customer's creditworthiness is its financial situation, external financial factors and an evaluation of its ability to operate a business. Stack Union Trust Bank Group generally offers credits to all industries as long as the customer is creditworthy and complies with applicable laws, including environmental laws. In the long run, it is the Group's expertise and responsibility in credit assessment and advice that ensure that its customers avoid situations of financial default. The Group therefore places an emphasis on maintaining its credit standards during both prosperous economic periods and difficult ones.